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Prostata – ein Thema nur für Männer? Mitnichten – auch für Frauen – doch davon später! Dieses – meist kleine,  etwa Kastanien- oder Walnussgrosse Organ – ist für viele Funktionen im männlichen Körper verantwortlich. Im Alter – bei vergrösserter Prostata – entstehen verschiedene Fehlfunktionen – etwa tröpfchenweises oder schmerzhaftes Urinieren, denn die Prostata engt dann die Harnröhre ein, bis mitunter „nichts“ mehr geht. – Was ist beim PSA-Wert (Prostataspezifisches Antigen) zu beachten? Vielleicht macht eine „Flüssig-Biopsie“ der Universität Hamburg-Eppendorf  (2015) – ein Bluttest zur Erkennung von Krebszellen und deren Taxierung – eine reale Biopsie überflüssig. US-Forscher finden (2016) eine Korrelation zwischen Haarausfall (Glatze) und Prostata-Karzinom. Rider & al. zeigen (2016) einen Zusammenhang zwischen Anzahl der Ejakulationen und Prostatakrebs (Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer). Daniel Lingenhöhl ( liefert dazu eine schöne Interpretation.  

Eine sehr gute Seite hat Dr. Florian Mayer eingerichtet [Lass Dir keinen Bären aufbinden!] und hier ist die Prostata im Fokus. 

Der Kunde des Arztes soll in dessen Händen nicht zum Patienten werden, deshalb soll der Kunde mündig sein. Wir Männer kennen uns bei Bier und Frauen aus – aber was ist mit unserem eigenen Körper? Bemerkenswert ist, dass sich auch Ärzte nicht mit PSA-Wertbestimmung auskennen und wenn der Kunde unbedarft zum Arzt kommt, wird er mitunter zum gesunden Patienten. Wer sich zur Feststellung des PSA-Wertes begibt, sollte darauf bedacht sein, dass er 72 Stunden zuvor keine Ejakulation hatte, in der Zeit nicht lange mit dem Fahrrad fuhr, nicht auf kalten Oberflächen herumhockte. Und schrecken Sie nicht davor zurück, Ihren Arzt zu fragen, wie lange Ihr Blut aus seiner Praxis zur Analyse auf dem Weg ist, denn je länger die Zeitspanne, umso ungenauer wird der Wert. Und wenn der PSA-Wert erhöht wäre, gilt: keine Panik. Der Wert ist kein Krebs-Marker, sondern ein Organ-Marker. Siehe Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung.

Im alten China gab es ein ganz besonderes Krankenkassen-System – eigentlich ein Gesundenkassen-System, wenn man so will. Der Kunde zahlt dem Arzt ein Honorar, solange er gesund ist. Wird der Kunde zum Patienten, entfällt das Honorar – eigentlich eine tolle Sache – genug der Worte – hier geht es zum Prostata-Exponat

  Discuss with doctor and pharmacist  

Prostate – a topic only for men? Not at all – for women too – but more of that later! This organ – usually small, about the size of a chestnut or walnut – is responsible for many functions in the male body. In old age – with an enlarged prostate – various malfunctions occur – such as dribbling or painful urination, because the prostate then narrows the urethra until sometimes „nothing“ works any more. – What should be considered with the PSA value (prostate specific antigen)? Perhaps a „liquid biopsy“ by the University of Hamburg-Eppendorf (2015) – a blood test to detect cancer cells and their taxation – makes a real biopsy superfluous. US researchers find (2016) a correlation between hair loss (baldness) and prostate cancer. Rider & al. show (2016) a correlation between number of ejaculations and prostate cancer (Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer). Daniel Lingenhöhl ( provides a nice interpretation of this.

Noteworthy is the possibility of reducing the „benign enlarged prostate“ by means of prostate artery embolisation (PAE). The procedure is described here.

The doctor’s client should not become a patient in the doctor’s hands, therefore the client should be of age. We men know our way around beer and women – but what about our own bodies? It is remarkable that even doctors do not know about PSA-assessment and if the customer comes to the doctor without any knowledge, he sometimes becomes a healthy patient. Those who go to have their PSA level determined should be careful not to have had an ejaculation 72 hours earlier, not to have ridden a bicycle for a long time during that time, not to have squatted on cold surfaces. And if the PSA value is elevated, don’t panic. The value is not a cancer marker, but an organ marker. See Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung.

In ancient China there was a very special health insurance system – actually a health insurance system, if you will. The customer pays the doctor a fee as long as he is healthy. If the customer becomes a patient, the fee is waived – actually a great thing – enough words – here is the prostate exhibit.

Sheet 2: From anatomy to PSA-screening:

Back in the days mankind collected information about bodies through anatomic researches. Today blood tests are made. Thanks to modern medicine we can grow older and – apparently – sicker. Cancer diseases are a curse of our time. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. Therefore, cancer provision is on everyone’s lips. Via blood tests the PSA-screening can be done. Though, the prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an organ marker only, in contrast to a cancer marker and is a solely serving follow-up.

Sheet 3: “Free PSA”

If blood testing assesses an increased value, screening free PSA (fPSA) is recommended, although scientifically controversial. Visiting a General practitioner and screening free PSA, you should check how soon blood tests reach the labour, because Free-PSA’s half-life period is 110 minutes.

Sheet 4: At the urologist: Palpation

Has Free-PSA-screening shown abnormal results, a general practitioner recommends visiting an urologist to conduct a palpation for size and kind of the prostate. This test can end with the sentence: “Cannot feel anything really, but I recommend a biopsy because of suspected cancer”.

Sheet 5: Biopsy

During conduction of punch biopsy the intestinal wall is pierced and doctors remove tissue from the inner prostate gland. Many of these interventions would end in blood poisoning, for what the patient is given enough antibiotics. Still, infectious complications cannot be ruled out.

Sheet 6: Imagine Methods

Every operative intervention other methods should be preferred. In bigger cities there are prostate-centres, who mostly work with imagine methods. You can detect calcination, ignition or a tumour.

Sheet 7: Ignition of Prostate

Basically you differentiate between bacterial and non-bacterial ignition. At former the bacteria Escherichia is responsible for the ignition, which can be stemmed and eradicated with antibiotics – it is a long way though, because the prostate cannot be reached directly. Non-bacterial ignition originates in a cold (walking barefoot during low temperature-weather, wet bathing suit during summer, sitting on cold surfaces, tent vacations).

Sheet 8: Enlarged prostate

Owing to hormonal change when getting elder, the prostate grows. It presses against urethra as well against the bladder. Increased, low-volume urinating, continuance of residual urine in the bladder are consequences, up to chronic pain or overflowing bladder. Now a (good) surgeon is of need. 

Sheet 9: Mutual routes

Much information is shared in self-help groups. Contact is easily made through internet. Essential is to be well-read in that problem, to understand, what a doctor is actually saying. An important aspect of every decision: getting a second opinion.

Sheet 10: How to avoid problems

Basically, you should try to slow down your aging process: drink a lot, eat healthy, do not smoke! Other peoples, other behaving: Moslems and Jews have different eating and drinking habits. Homeopathic helps are tea from rosebay willowherb against ignition, stinging nettle tea and compounds of saw palmetto and root of stinging nettle for urinating more easily, staying at a healthy spa and as a secret tip in acute emergencies (rien ne va plus!): germinable stinging nettle semen. 

Sheet 11: Balanced life-style

In elder life sexual drive decreases. A balanced sex life is however recommended by doctors all along, to keep the prostate “in good nick”.

Sheet 12: The male G-spot

Other peoples, other sex. In India, China and Japan massaging the prostate is a welcome feature of sex life. Tantra-massages are fairly unknown in Europe, respectively less used. 

But enough talk – that is the way to the prostate-exhibit.

Weitere Exponate – Exhibits

Naturwissenschaftliche Exponate – Natural History   

Historische Exponate – Political History

Fast historische Exponate – Fiction?

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