Griechische Quelljungfer

© Clemens M. Brandstetter

     (from Boudot & al. 2009:146): Cordulegaster helladica is a Greek endemic ranging from the south of continental over the Peloponnese to the Cyclads. Threee subspecies have been described, of which the nominal is found from the Peloponnese to Euboea. C. h. buchholzi (Lohmann 1993) in three Cyclades Islands and C. h. kastalia (Lohmann, 1993) at the southern limit of the species' range. Genetic studies are in progress to better understand the phylogeny of this species. Some populations have been reduced or went extinct due to forest fires and the desiccation of streams.   

Die Griechische Quelljungfer, Cordulegaster helladica (Lohmann 1993), ist ein Endemit Griechenlands. Froufe & al. (2014) präsentieren eine Studie über genetische Untersuchungen an der Gattung Cordulegaster. Die bisher traditionell unterschiedenen Artengruppen haben sich auch genetisch bestätigt: "Although Odonata are a key component of many freshwater ecosystems, their taxonomy and evolutionary history is still far from being well resolved. In the present study, we report the first molecular phylogeny for the Western Palaearctic Cordulegaster genus (Odonata: Anisoptera: Cordulegastridae). We sequenced fragments of both mitochondrial and nuclear genes [cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and Internal Transcribed Spacer-1 (ITS-1)] from eight species and 13 subspecies, from western, southern and central Europe, Turkey, and Morocco. Our data support the existence of two major groups corresponding to the traditional boltonii– and bidentata-groups. Both groups are monophyletic based on COI sequences and the distinctiveness of Cordulegaster princeps, Cordulegaster trinacriae, Cordulegaster picta and Cordulegaster heros relative to Cordulegaster boltonii, and Cordulegaster helladica and Cordulegaster insignis relative to Cordulegaster bidentata, is confirmed. All species are also monophyletic for ITS-1, with the exception of Cordulegaster helladica buchholzi, which shares the haplotype with C. insignis. Although moderate levels of genetic diversity were found within C. boltonii, there was no clear separation among the four subspecies, with the exception of the populations of Cordulegaster boltonii algirica from North Africa. Similarly, no genetic differentiation was found between the two subspecies of C. bidentata, Cordulegaster bidentata bidentata and Cordulegaster bidenta sicilica.."   

Griechenland – © Foto: Manci Cosmin-Ovidiu             




Boudot J.-P., V. J. Kalkman, M. Amorín, T. Bogdanović, A. Rivera,G. Degabriele, J.L. Dommanget, S. Ferreira, B. Garrigós, M. Jović, M. Kotarac, W. Lopau, M. Marinov, N. Mihoković, E. Riservato, B. Samraoui & W. Schneider 2009: Atlas of the Odonata of the Mediterranean and North Africa. – Libellula Supplement  9:1-256.  

Froufe E., Ferreira S., Boudot J.-P., Alves P.C. & D. J. Harris 2014: Molecular phylogeny of the Western Palaearctic Cordulegaster taxa (Odonata: Anisoptera: Cordulegastridae). – Biolog. Journ. Linn. Soc. 111: 49,57.