Evans Pechlibelle

© Clemens M. Brandstetter (Text)

     (from Boudot & al. 2009:65): Ischnura evansi has a scattered distribution but is usually abundant where found. The species shows migratory tendencies and can therefore turn up in large parts of the eastern Mediterranean. It has not been found west of Egypt but can be expected to occur in northeastern Libya.

Evans Pechlibelle, Ischnura evansi Morton 1919, kommt von Ägypten ostwärts bis in den Iran (Sadeghi & Mohammadalizadeh 2009) vor. Schröter (2010) meldet die Art aus Kirgisistan an einem künstlichen Wasserreservoir; Kosterin & Gorbunov (2010) aus Kasakhstan.                        

Paarungsrad: Dandy Farm, Nähe Saudischer Grenze in Qatar. – Foto: © Michael Grunwell



Boudot J.-P., V. J. Kalkman, M. Amorín, T. Bogdanović, A. Rivera,G. Degabriele, J.L. Dommanget, S. Ferreira, B. Garrigós, M. Jović, M. Kotarac, W. Lopau, M. Marinov, N. Mihoković, E. Riservato, B. Samraoui & W. Schneider 2009: Atlas of the Odonata of the Mediterranean and North Africa. – Libellula Supplement  9:1-256.  

Kosterin O.E. & P.G. Gorbunov 2010: Notes on the Odonata of Kazakhstan, including the first record of Ischnura evansi Morton (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). – Notulae odonatologicae 7: 45-48.

Sadeghi S. & J. Mohammadalisadeh 2009: Additions to the Odonata fauna of Iran. – Iranian Journal of Science & Technology 33: 355-359.   

Schröter A. 2010: The Odonata of Kyrgyzstan, part I – Critical national checklist, annotated list of records and collected data of the summer half-years 2008 and 2009. – International Dragonfly Fund – Report 28 (2010): 1-72.