Boris‘ Smaragdlibelle

© Clemens M. Brandstetter

     (from Boudot & al. 2009:162): Somatochlora borisi is known only from a small part of Thrace and the eastern Rhodope mountain region of Greece, Bulgaria and European Turkey. This area has a hot and humid climate and has a high portion of forest that is used for wood production and extensive traditional rearing of goats and sheep. The traditional human activities in the area pose no threat to S. borisi. Expected future intensifiction of agriculture and the spread of conifer plantations may represent notable threats for the future. Although this species mainly inhabits large rivers, it it also threatened by global warming and desiccation of streams. The Bulgarian type locality was found to be dry in September 2003 and in Greece by as early as the end of July in 2008 the most inportant streams for S. borisi did not show any running water; only deep pools remaining n the river bed allowed the survival of larvae. S. borisi is placed into the new described monotypic genus Corduliochlora. The adult has some morphological characters that set it apart to Somatochlora, but the larvae does not show any characters distinct from Somatochlora

Boris' Smaragdlibelle, Somatochlora borisi Marinov 2001, kommt ausschliesslich im Dreiländereck Bulgarien-Griechenland-Türkei, und im östlichsten Grenzgebiet der Türkei und Bulgariens vor. Die Art bewohnt ausschliesslich Fliesgewässer und ist daher ganz besonders gefährdet, da es bereits Sommer gab, in denen Flussabschnitte austrockneten, an denen diese Art vorkommt. Fleck & al. (2007) beschreiben die Larven dieser Art und von S. meridionalis. 

SO-Griechenland – © Foto: Manci Cosmin-Ovidiu 



Boudot J.-P., V. J. Kalkman, M. Amorín, T. Bogdanović, A. Rivera,G. Degabriele, J.L. Dommanget, S. Ferreira, B. Garrigós, M. Jović, M. Kotarac, W. Lopau, M. Marinov, N. Mihoković, E. Riservato, B. Samraoui & W. Schneider 2009: Atlas of the Odonata of the Mediterranean and North Africa. – Libellula Supplement  9:1-256.  

Fleck G., D. Grand & J.-P. Boudot 2007: Description of the last stadium larva of Somatochlora borisi, with comparison to that of Somatochlora metallica meridionalis (Odonata: Corduliidae). – International Journal of Odonatology 10 (1) : 43-52.

Marinov M. 2001. Somatochlora borisi spec. nov., a new European dragonfly species from Bulgaria (Anisoptera: Corduliidae). IDF-Report 3: 46-53.

Perepelov E. 2003: Evolution of the karyotypes of Northern Palaearctic dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata). – PhD Thesis, Novosibirsk.

Wildermuth H.2008: Die Falkenlibellen Europas (Corduliidae). – Brehm-Bücherei No 653.